The experiment was a hands-out lesson regarding the affordances of the “TIMEMAPS” 3D online cyber-community, i.e. how to sit in the amphitheater, explore the TimeMaps website, listen to the performance videos, communicate by chat and Instant Messaging, launch a voice-call, take a notecard with explanations from the virtual guide, respond to an in-world survey, changes of the natural characteristics of the environment (daylight or night).
Experimentul a reprezentat o lectie practica referitoare la ceea ce ofera cyber comunitatea 3D online “TIMEMAPS” pentru a stimula invatarea intr-un mediu imersiv si social: asezarea in amfiteatru, navigarea prin site-ul TimeMaps, urmarirea filmelor de performance, comunicarea prin chat si Instant Messaging (IM), lansarea unui apel vocal, preluarea unui notecard cu explicatii de la ghidul virtual, raspunsul la un sondaj in-world, schimbarea caracteristicilor naturale ale mediului (lumina de zi sau de noapte).