

Gheorghiu, D. and Ștefan, L. 2019. Invisible Settlements: Discovering and Reconstructing the Ancient Built Spaces through Gaming, In Vladimir Geroimenko (ed), “Augmented Reality Games II”, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Gheorghiu, D. and Ștefan, L. (in press). Immersing into the Past: An Augmented Reality Method to Link Tangible and Intangible Heritage, In Sergiu Musteață (ed), “PAST FOR THE FUTURE AND FUTURE FOR THE PAST: PRESERVATION AND PROMOTION OF THE WORLD HERITAGE SITES”, Springer.

Gheorghiu, D. 2019. Experimenting the Art of Origins: Animating Images by Blowing Colours and Sounds. In book “Artistic Practices and Archaeological Research”, Dragoş Gheorghiu and Theodor Barth (eds.), Archaeopress Publishing, Oxford, 93-97, ISBN 9781789691405.

Gheorghiu, D. and Stefan, L. 2019. Virtual Art in Teaching and Learning Archaeology: An Intermedia to Augment the Content of Virtual Spaces and the Quality of Immersion. In book “Artistic Practices and Archaeological Research”, Dragoş Gheorghiu and Theodor Barth (eds.), Archaeopress Publishing, Oxford, 166-182, ISBN 9781789691405.

Stefan, L. and Gheorghiu, D. 2019. Assessment of the usefulness of authentic learning using 3D reconstructions with virtual characters. LUMEN Proceedings.


Popescu, C. C., Muzeul în căutarea publicului, “Revista Muzeelor”.
Article in “Revista- Muzeelor-2018″ (download)

Gheorghiu, D., Nash, G., Bender, H., and Pasztor, E. (eds). “Lands of the Shamans. ARCHAEOLOGY, COSMOLOGY & LANDSCAPE”, 2018.


Pleistocene coalition news, VOLUME 9, ISSUE 6, NOVEMBER – DECEMBER, 2017.

Gheorghiu, D., Pasztor, E., Bender, H., and Nash, G. (eds.), 2017, Archaeological Approaches to Shamanism. Mind-Body, Nature and Culture, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Dragoş Gheorghiu and Phil Mason (eds.) “Working with the Past: Towards an Archaeology of Recycling”. Archaeopress. ISBN 9781784916299.

Gheorghiu, D., Stefan, L., 2017. A Fractal Augmentation of the Archaeological Record: The Time Maps Project (book chapter), In Geroimenko V. (ed.), “Augmented Reality Art, From an Emerging Technology to a Novel Creative Medium, Edition: 2″, Springer International Publishing, pp. 297-316.



Gheorghiu, D., 2016, “Pleistocene Coalition News”, Volume 8, Issue 5, September-October 2016, pp.6.

Gheorghiu, D., Stefan, L., 2016, Mobile-Learning in a Rural Community. Problems of the Psychology of Learning in Context at Primary and Secondary School Students, Proceedings of the International Conference “From Individual to Society – Applied Psychology for a Sustainable Community”, Brasov, September 22 – 23, Vol.9 (58) Series VII, No.2/2016, ISSN 2016-7701 (Special Issue), Transilvania University Press, Brasov, Romania.

Barbu, P. (in press), Figurinele Tanagra de la Mangalia, Revista de literatura si arte vizuale Contrapunct.

Ştefan, L., and Gheorghiu, D., 2016. Participative teaching for K-12 students with mobile devices and social networks, in Gabriela Tabacaru (ed.), BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, Volume 7, No.3, pp. 94-114 (ISI indexed).

Gheorghiu, D., 2016, Experiencing a prehistoric ritual, “Pleistocene Coalition News”, Issue #40, March-April 2016.

Gheorghiu, D., Ştefan, L., 2016, Experimental online solutions for teaching traditional crafts, Proceedings of 12th International Scientific Conference eLearning and software for Education (eLSE), Bucharest, 21-22 April, “Carol I” National Defence University Publishing House, vol. II, pp. 373-379 (ISI Proceedings indexed).

Stefan, L., 2016, Virtual worlds in online Education and Training – an evaluation report, 12th International Scientific Conference eLearning and software for Education (eLSE), Bucharest, 21-22 April, “Carol I” National Defence University Publishing House, vol. II, pp. 453-459 (ISI Proceedings indexed).

Rusu, A., Gheorghiu, D., 2016, Blended learning practices in artistic education. The “Time Maps” project experience, 12th International Scientific Conference eLearning and software for Education (eLSE), Bucharest, 21-22 April, “Carol I” National Defence University Publishing House, vol. III, pp. 612-619 (to be indexed ISI Proceedings).

Ştefan L., Moldoveanu F., Gheorghiu D., 2016, Evaluating a mixed-reality 3D Virtual Campus with Big Data and Learning Analytics: a transversal study, Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society (to be indexed SCOPUS and ISI Thomson), v.12, n.2, 41-54. ISSN: 1826-6223, e-ISSN:1971-8829.

Gheorghiu, D., Stefan, L. (in press), Transdisciplinary teaching and learning using mobile technologies, LEA – Leonardo Almanach, MIT Press.

Gheorghiu, D., Stefan, L., 2016, Mobile-Learning in a Rural Community. Problems of the Psychology of Learning in Context at Primary and Secondary School Students, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, Proceedings of The International Conference of Psychology – “From Individual to Society” – Applied Psychology for a Sustainable Community, Brasov, September 22 – 23, Vol. 9 (58), Series VII, No. 2/2016, ISSN 2066-7701, Special Issue, pp. 73-84.

Gheorghiu, D., Ştefan, L., 2016, Augmenting Immersion: The Implementation Of The Real World In Virtual Reality, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies CHNT 2015, Vienna (e-book).

Book chapters

Delfino, D., Gheorghiu, D., Ştefan, L. 2016. Archaeological research and applied arts for Public Archaeology in a Final Bronze Age hilltop walled station of Castelo Velho da Zimbreira (Mação-Portugal), in Quagliuolo, M. and Delfino, D. (eds), “Quality Management of Cultural Heritage Problems and best practices”, Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain). Volume 8 / Session A13, ISBN 9781784912956, pp. 21-34, Oxford, Archaeopress.

Gheorghiu, D., Ştefan, L. 2016. Virtual palimpsests: augmented reality and the use of mobile devices to visualise the archaeological record, in Quagliuolo, M. and Delfino, D. (eds), “Quality Management of Cultural Heritage Problems and best practices”, Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain). Volume 8 / Session A13, ISBN 9781784912956, pp. 35-48, Oxford, Archaeopress.

Barbu, P., 2016. Volume generate de forme geometrice simple, in “Volumetria modei”, pp. 57-100. Unarte, Bucharest.

Gheorghiu, D.(ed.), 2016. “TIME MAPS. REAL COMMUNITIES–VIRTUAL WORLDS–EXPERIMENTED PASTS”. Unarte, Bucharest, ISBN 978-606-720-058-4.



Gheorghiu, D. and Bouissac, P. (eds.), How do we imagine the past? On metaphorical thought, experientiality and imagination in archaeology, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Articles and book chapters

Gheorghiu, D., 2015, A river runs through it: The semiotics of Gobekli Tepe’s map (an exercise of archaeological imagination), pp.65-76. Vianello, A., (ed.), Rivers in prehistory, Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing (Gheorghiu_Gobekli_Tepe.pdf).

Gheorghiu, D., (in press), Imagining and illustrating the archaeological record: The power of evocation and augmentation of linear drawing, in Valdez-Tullet, J. and Chittock H. (eds.), Archaeology with art, Highfields Press.

Gheorghiu, D., (in press), Lighting in reconstructed contexts: Archaeological experiments and experientiality with pyrotechnologies, in Papadopoulos, C., (ed.) Light in archaeology, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Gheorghiu, D. (in press), Exotica, skeuomorphs, and the problem of materiality in south east Europe Chalcolithic, in Besse, M.,and Guillaine, J. (eds.), Materials, productions, exchange networks and their impact on the societies of Neolithic Europe, British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, Archaeopress.

Gheorghiu, D., (in press), Building and burning, in Nikolova, L. (ed.), Early Euro-Pontic culture and ambience and pattern. In memory of Eugen Comsa, Warshaw/Berlin, De Gruyter Open.

Gheorghiu, D. (in press), Emotión y sentidos indisciplinados en arqueología experiencial, in Pellini, J., Salerna, M., Zarakin, A., Arqueologia con Sentidos, Madrid, JAS Arqueologia.

Gheorghiu, D., 2015, Immersive approaches in built contexts. Constructing the archaeological images and imaginary, in Gheorghiu, D. and Bouissac, P. (eds.), How do we imagine the past? On metaphorical thought, experientiality and imagination in archaeology, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Pubishing.

Gheorghiu, D., 2015, Sensing the Past. The Sensorial experience in experiential archaeology by augmenting the perception of materiality, pp. 119-140. In Pellini, J., Zarakin, A., and Salerno, M.A. (eds.), Coming to senses. Topics in sensory archaeology, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Pubishing.

Gheorghiu, D., Ştefan, L., 2015, E-learning portals and mobile personal learning environments as new learning ecosystems, Proceeding of the 11th International Scientific Conference eLearning and software for Education (eLSE), Bucharest, 25-26 April 2015, “Carol I” National Defence University Publishing House, ISSN: 2066-026X-15-104, vol. III, pp. 569-575 (ISI Proceedings indexed).

Gheorghiu, D., Ştefan, L., 2015, Virtual Palimpsests: Augmented Reality And The Use Of Mobile Devices To Visualise The Archaeological Record, in Quagliuolo, M.; Delfino, D. (eds) Quality Management of Cultural Heritage: problems and good practices, Proceedings of the U.I.S.P.P. Congress 2014, Oxford, Archaeopress.

Ştefan, L., 2015, Mixed-Reality Adaptive 3D Multi-User Online Communities Of Practice In Academic Education Tackling Students Motivation And Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, Doctoral Consortium of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education CSEDU, Lisbon, SCITEPRESS Digital Library, pp. 16-22.

Ştefan, L., Gheorghiu, D., 2015, E-Cultural Tourism for Highlighting the “Invisible” Communities— Elaboration of Cultural Routes Using Augmented Reality for Mobile Devices (MAR), in Musteaţă S. and Caliniuc Ş. (eds.), Current Trends in Archaeological Heritage Preservation: National and International Perspectives, Proceedings of The International Conference, Iaşi, Romania, 2013, BAR International Series 2741, ISBN:9781407314006, 2015, Oxford, Archaeopress, pp. 63-66.

Ştefan, L., Gheorghiu, D., 2015, Virtual MIAA in Mobile Augmented Reality. A digital approach to the future museum in Abrantes, Actas Das IV E V Jornadas Internacionais Do MIAA Museu Ibérico De Arqueologia e Arte, pp.51-54.

Gheorghiu, D., Ştefan, L., 2015, Preserving Monuments In The Memory Of Local Communities Using Immersive MAR Applications As Educational Tools, In (eds.) Vlada, M., Albeanu, G., Adascalitei, A., Popovici, M., Proceedings of ICVL 2015 (ISSN 1844-8933, ISI Proceedings) – The 10th International Conference on Virtual Learning, Bucharest, University of Bucharest Publishing House, pp. 440-446.

Burghelea, V., Gheorghiu, D., 2015, Ceramica medieval timpurie (secolele IX-XI) de la Radovanu, punctul “Valea Coadelor”, judetul Calarasi (analize ceramice), Archaeology of the first millennium A.D.. Nomads and autochtonous in the first millennium A.D., Istros, pp.495-516.


D. Gheorghiu and D. Delfino, 2014, Mapping invisible communities: The Time Maps Project, Mapping Culture, In Centro de Pré-História (ed.), “O Ideário Patrimonial”, Portugal:Centro de Pré-História.

D. Gheorghiu, 2014, Building, Burning, Digging and Imagining: Trying to Approach the Prehistoric Dwelling. Experiments Conducted by the National University of Arts in Romania, in Reeves Flores, J. and R. P. Paardekooper (eds.), “Experiments Past. Histories of Experimental Archaeology” , Leiden: Sidestone Press.

D. Gheorghiu, 2014, The Domestication of Space: The Geometry of Dwellings vs. Nature’s Chaos (An anthropological and experimental approach to Chalcolithic planning), pp. 83-96. In Preoteasa, C., and Nicola C. D. (eds.) L’Impact anthropique sur l’environnement Durant le neo-Eneolithique du Sud-Est de l’Europe, Piatra Neamt: Constantin Matasa.

D. Gheorghiu, (in press), Sensing the past (The sensorial experience in experiential archaeology by augmenting the perception of materiality), In Pellini, J. R. (ed.), Sensorial Archaeology, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

D. Gheorghiu, (in press), Immersive approaches to built contexts. Constructing the archaeological images and imaginary, In Gheorghiu, D. si Bouissac, P. (eds.), How do we imagine the past? On metaphorical thought, experientiality and imagination in archaeology, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

D. Gheorghiu and D. Delfino, 2014, Mapping invisible communities: The Time Maps Project, O Ideario Patrimonial (digital publication edited by the Prehistoric Centre, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar).

D. Gheorghiu and L. Ştefan, 2014, Augmenting the Archaeological Record with ARt (The Time Maps Project), In V. Geroimenko (ed.), “Augmented Reality Art: From an Emerging Technology to a Novel Creative Medium” , Springer, pp. 255-276 (book chapter).

D. Gheorghiu and L. Stefan, 2014, Patrimoniu imaterial si memorie digitală: recuperarea, stocarea si transmiterea tehnologiilor din trecut. In: S. Musteaţă, (ed.), Arheologia si politicile de protejare a patrimoniului cultural în România. Culegere de studii, Chisinău, Editura ARC, pp. 141-149

D. Gheorghiu and L. Stefan, 3D Online Virtual Museum as e-learning tool, Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education CSEDU 2014, Barcelone, Spain (SCITEPRESS Digital Library).

A. Serbanescu, 2014, The Artistic Experiment: A Phenomenological Research Towards a Pedagogy of Art, pp. 217-224. Arts, Performing Arts, Architecture and Design, SGEM 2014 Proceedings, Albena.

A. Rusu, Technological heritage preservation in cyber-culture. Learning fiber art in virtual communities, pp. 241-256. In Maj, A. (ed.) Post-Privacy Culture. Gaining Social Power in Cyber- Democracy, Oxford, Inter-Disciplinary Press.

L. Stefan and D. Gheorghiu, 3D cyber-communities of learning. An immersive educational strategy for rural areas, Proceedings of International Conference Smart 2014 Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, 18-21 September 2014, Timisoara, Romania (ISI Proceedings indexed).

L. Stefan and D. Gheorghiu, (in press) Virtual M.I.A.A. in Mobile Augmented Reality. A digital approach to the future museum in Abrantes, Actes de la Journée Internationalle du Musée de Abrantes, Abrantes.

D. Popovici. 2014. Construirea cuptorului de tip roman, topirea şi suflarea sticlei la foc de lemne. Între experiment artistic şi arheologie experimentală, in ANGUSTIA Magazine, National Museum of Eastern Carpaţi (ed), Angustia.


D. Gheorghiu, 2013, Le projet “Les Cartes du Temps”. Archeologie expérimentale et immersion dans l’oeuvre d’art, in Jasmin, M. and Norcia, A. (eds.), Des temps qui se regardent. Dialogue entre l’art contemporain et l’archéologie, Errances, Paris.

D. Gheorghiu, 2013, On the tracing of curvilinear patterns on prehistoric vases in South Eastern Europe (Experiments with Bézier curves), in Cotiuga, V. (ed.), Interdisciplinary research in archaeology. Second Archaeoinvest Congress, British Archaeological Reports, Archaeopress, Oxford.

D. Gheorghiu (in press), A river runs through it: The semiotics of Gobekli Tepe’s map (An exercise of archaeological imagination), in Vianello, A. (ed.), Archaeology of Rivers, British Archeological Reports, Archaeopress, Oxford.

D. Gheorghiu and L. Ştefan, 2013, In between: experimenting liminality, LEA – Leonardo Almanach 19 (1) “Not Here, Not There”, pp. 44-61.

L. Stefan and F. Moldoveanu, 2013, Game-based learning with Augmented Reality – from technology’s affordances to game design and educational scenarios, Proceedings of eLSE The 9th International Scientific Conference eLearning and software for Education, Bucharest (ISI Proceedings indexed).

L. Ştefan, D. Gheorghiu, F. Moldoveanu and A. Moldoveanu, 2013, Ubiquitous learning solutions for remote communities – A case study for K-12 classes in a Romanian village, in I. Dumitrache, A. Florea and F. Pop (eds), Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS19), Bucharest, pp 569-574 (ISI Proceedings, IEEExplore indexed).

L. Ştefan and D. Gheorghiu, 2013, Participative teaching for K-12 students with mobile devices and social networks, in B. Patrut et al. (eds.), Proceedings of SMART 2013 – Social media in Academia: Research and Teaching, Bacau. Bologna, Medimond-Montuzzi (ISI Proceedings indexed).

A. Rusu, A. Şerbănescu, R. Clondir and D. Popovici, 2013, Social media for preserving local technological traditions, in B. Patrut et al. (eds.), Proceedings of SMART 2013 – Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, Bacau. Bologna, Medimond-Montuzzi (ISI Proceedings indexed).

D. Gheorghiu, L. Ştefan and A. Rusu, E-Learning and the process of studying in virtual contexts, in M. Ivanovic and L. Jain (eds.), Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 528 2014, e-Learning: Paradigms and applications. Agent – based approach, Springer, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-642-41964-5 (book chapter).

A. Rusu, 2013, Patterns of sustainability in textile design use of traditional technologies, in Bártolo, H. et al. ( Eds.) Green Design, Materials and Manufacturing Processes (Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing, Lisbon, Portugal, June 26-29, 2013), CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group (book chapter).

D. Gheorghiu, L. Ştefan and A. Hasnaş, 2013, Visual performances as educational tools in a mobile learning world, Proceedings of ARTSEDU 2013, World Conference on Design, Arts and Education, Elsevier (ISI Proceedings indexed).

R. Clondir, 2013, Creating from digital, an approach to use immaterial in design education, Proceedings of ARTSEDU 2013, World Conference on Design, Arts and Education, Elsevier (ISI Proceedings indexed).


D. Gheorghiu, 2012, Metaphors and Allegories as Augmented Reality. The Use of Art to Evoke Material and Immaterial Subjects, pp. 23-32. in I-M. Danielson, F. Fahlander, and Y. Sjostrand (eds.) Encountering imagery. Materialities, perceptions, relations, Stockholm Studies in Archaeology 57.

D. Gheorghiu, 2012, Virtual pasts: A future for public archaeology, Izomorph 2, pp. 35-36.

D. Gheorghiu, 2012, eARTh Vision (Art-chaeology and digital mapping), World Art, Routledge, pp. 1-7.

D. Gheorghiu Experiment and indirect evidence (in press), 2012, Proceedings The 3rd International Congress of Experimental Archaeology, Banyoles.

D. Gheorghiu, 2012, Place as Artefact. On The Life and Death of Tell Settlements of the South Eastern Europe Chalcolithic, in D. Gheorghiu si G. Nash (eds.), Place as material culture. Objects, Geographies and the construction of time, Cambridge Scholarly Publications, Newcastle upon Tyne.

D. Gheorghiu, Experiencing Light in Re-enactments (in press), 2012, in C. Papadopoulos and G. Earl (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Light in Archaeology, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

L. Ştefan, 2012, The art of collage and Augmented Reality 2D/3D Techniques, Proceedings of APLIMAT2012, Journal of Applied Mathematics vol.5, 1, Institute of Mathematics and Physics Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava

L. Ştefan, 2012, Prototipuri de interacţiune om-maşină şi tipuri de aplicaţii educaţionale specifice realităţii îmbogăţite pe dispozitive mobile, Proceedings of ROCHI2012 Confererence on Human-Computer Interfaces, Revista Romana pentru Interactiune Om-Masina, Bucharest, pp 26-30.

L. Ştefan, 2012, Immersive Collaborative Environments for Teaching and Learning Traditional Design, Proceedings World conference on Design, Arts and Education, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 51, Pages 1056-1060, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

D. Gheorghiu and L. Ştefan, 2012, Mobile Technologies and the Use of Augmented Reality for Saving the Immaterial Heritage, pp. 21-24. in D. Arnold, J. Kaminski, F. Niccolucci, and A. Stork (eds.), The 13th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST (2012).

A. Rusu, 2012, Weave an Augmented Reality. Algorithms and fiber art, in Proceedings of APLIMAT2012, Journal of Applied Mathematics vol.5, 1, Institute of Mathematics and Physics Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava

A. Rusu, 2012, Revitalising ancient technologies and advancing an ethical design in textile art education, Proceedings World conference on Design, Arts and Education, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 51, pp 1061-1065, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

A. Rusu, 2012, Technological heritage preservation in cyber-culture. Learning fiber art in virtual communities, Redefining Cyberculture: Losing Privacy and Gaining Social Power in Cyber- Democracy, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford.

A. Rusu, 2012, Revitalizarea tehnicilor textile tradiţionale prin fiber art, in C. Bolborea (ed.) Tradiţie şi inovaţie în artele decorative: sesiune de comunicări ştiinţifice a Facultăţii de Arte Decorative şi Design, Unarte, Bucharest.

A. Rusu, 2012, MIX SATB 2012- Textile Art Exhibition, Bucharest, in Dorina Horatău (ed.), Crestere-„Growth”, Unarte, Bucharest.